Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Careless Caretakers

Ok, here it is. The post I alluded to earlier today.
For some reason I've really begun to notice a reckless attitude toward children from their moms or caretakers. Today, while at McD's I was sitting in a center area where a water tank in the shape of a tube with a floating Nemo in it, and some bar type chairs around it. This little girl, who I had seen come in with a lady and another girl a little younger, immediately left mom and started climbing over the chairs. Now, this is a very busy place, lots of men, women, and others running around. Mom doesn't even notice for at least 5 minutes that this girl isn't with her. By the time I see mom even wondering where the girl is she had already darted for the play area. Why is this a problem? Well mom began looking for her, and I told her where the girl had gone. Mom thanks me and rushes to get back in line!! WHAT THE HECK?!? She was more worried about her spot in line than she was her daughter! Once she heard the girl was in the play area she acted as though professional child keepers were there! I could have stuffed the kid in a bag, told mom the kid was in the play area and left and MOM WOULD HAVE NEVER KNOWN!!! I was finished eating and had left and NEVER saw mom go get the girt!
A day before, at about 15 minutes before 6 am, I'm getting gas at a local station right near the Interstate. Very busy, even for that time. A Mom, again, I'm assuming here, has three boys in the car. Without locking, or securing the car in any way, proceeds into the gas station as I start pumping gas into my pickup. She doesn't come out until I'm done! I have a 21 Gallon Tank! More than enough time for some one to snatch at least one or two out of the car and be gone!
Note, these are just two examples, I've seen so many in the area where I work its unreal! These Rich or well to do women are more worried about their looks, place in line, coffee, or whatever, than they are the behavior of their Children! Like I said above, I'm a Baptist, I believe in Discipline. My children make me practice that belief very regularly. I guess hopping that I'll lose the faith. Note, I believe in the rod as well, but that isn't the ONLY form of discipline. (that's a topic for another BLOG entry). My point is my children know, and are reminded regularly, how to behave in a place like that. I'm not saying they don't dart off when they're not supposed to, or that they don't cause a stink, I'm just saying that more often than not they'll think twice. Not only that, but I or my wife are paying enough attention to notice BEFORE they get out of sight. My point is that I think Mom and Dad need to care more about little johnny's behavior, and running off than their place in line. I also think you shouldn't run off into a very busy truck stop / gas station with your children in an unlocked car that is unattended!! The reason kids aren't any better behaved than they are in our day isn't because they are any worse than any other kid, its that they are not cared for properly. Proverbs 29:15 tells us, "The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame." And so I say, shame on any mother who would not even bother KEEPING the children close enough to know they are starting to run off!
The problem is we forget that, again according to God's Word, foolishness is bound in the heart of a child. Because we forget that, we get frustrated, angry, and / or overly trusting in the child. We either think the child is a little angel who could do no wrong, or we get overly upset because it seems they can do no right. What we need to understand is that they, like ourselves, are sinners who are bent toward sin. Our rod of correction will help them get over it, I hope, just like God's Discipline works our disobedience out of us. We need to remember, they do good on occasion, and they'll do bad on occasion. We just have to pay attention so that we notice and either correct the bad, or reward the good. I dare say those moms who aren't paying any more attention than the one's noted above don't do either, and so encourage, (even if unintentionally) the bad.
That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it! Sorry about the Rant, I just care more about kids than to see one hurt because of careless caretakers.

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