Monday, November 20, 2006

Bible Reading

I've been a bad boy, and its beginning to affect everyone around me . . . . Well, its true. Did you know that the reason sin is so grievous, and heinous, is not the affects it has on you, but the affects it has on those around you? Think about it. Why is murder so wrong? It hurts those who had no choice in the matter, right? Well, it could be argued that they had some choice, but lets not get technical. Its also a manifestation of robbery. You are attempting to take by force that which does not belong to you, the right to decide who lives and who dies. God only has that right. He has delegated to the Government the ability to execute His wishes in putting a man to death who has committed Murder, and only them. Not any individual. There's a difference.

I know, at this point many of you are wondering 2 things. 1. You can't believe I would support and advocate Capital Punishment, and you have all kinds of Quasi Biblical, worldly reasons for being against it. good for you. 2. What does this have to do with Bible Reading? Simple. Its the furthest extent of sin I could think of at the moment. Yes, not reading your Bible is sin, and leads to sin. Why? Because the Bible says that God's word acts as a cleansing agent, (washing of the water by the word, go look it up here). Without it you can't watch, if your not watching, you're falling. Its that simple. someone once said, and please leave a comment if you know who, "Sin will keep you from the Bible, or the Bible will keep you from Sin."

My problem is that for some time know, almost without noticing, I haven't been reading my Bible. I think its affects are beginning to show. I, like everyone else, get busy, get sick, get tired, get _______ (fill in the blank). I know in a day when ministers are getting accused of rape, incest, and all kinds of immoral godlessness how can not reading your Bible rank? Well, quite simply, the reason all these ministers are falling into the things they are falling into is the same reason things haven't been completely right in my life. They have left their Bibles on the nightstand and went off to live life on their own. They, like me, foolishly thought they were strong enough, or "spiritual" enough, or whatever to handle it. Or, like me, they may have become discouraged because of so many past mistakes that they had lost their fire. Why do I put myself in the same category as them? Because in God's eyes, sin is sin, whether its a little anger, in my case, or rape or murder, it harms other people, and it robs God of what is rightfully His, your obedience. My point is before we go to slamming our fists at others, and pointing hateful fingers we need to look at the three fingers pointing back in our direction. I would like to say emphatically, because a guy is accused of something wrong, we shouldn't be quick to assume he's done something wrong. Women and Girls have long been known to be plants, either of their own accord, or some greedy man, to get money out of Church and Minister. They know, what I know, that an accusation is all it takes, and gullible, ignorant, or hateful people will take up the cause with more zeal than they ever had proclaiming Jesus' Gospel Message!! And, I'll say this too, If you can't open your mouth about Jesus then no matter how right any thing else is, keep it shut. If you can't open it about Jesus' death on the cross to pay for the sins of mankind, and pave the way to forgiveness and mercy, then keep it shut.

I get fed up with people who have all kinds of zeal to tell me about the offense of some preacher, but can't even quote a single Bible passage relating to the Gospel message! If you're not a Christian, then this wouldn't apply to you, it only applies to those who know Christ, as they are the only ones who were commissioned to carry the Gospel in the First place.

So, what am I doing? Well, a good fella, Dr. Robert Couric, whom I had as a Professor in College at Mid-Continent, has published an update of the KJV, called KJ2000. Its not a "Revision" as best I can see, it just updates some words and archaic phrases to something more modern, while preserving the flow. I have read the New King James once, New American Standard once, and some of the New Ignoramus er. . uh. International Version, and the KJV at least 6 times. I have yet to find a Bible Version that I could stand upon as THE Word of God for English speaking people. So, I'm hoping this one does the job. I have started reading three chapters a day, (starting today), and will read the Bible through in the KJ2000, and see for myself whether it be so or not. I'll report here what I find, and if I believe God is verifying its worthiness I'll back it with all my heart, if not, I'll delete its text from my hard drive, and never bother it again. I only use one version, God isn't the author of confusion.
So, stay tuned. May God work a work in your heart to keep you from sin.

Here's Dr. Couric's Website.

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