Thursday, November 30, 2006


Gotcha. Well, that title is me. Its not that I don't like Christmas, I like it. Its that I can't stand the misuse of it by vendors who want to benefit from "Christmas Gift" shoppers but will not use the name 'Christmas'! If you are going to use the images to prompt people to buy from your store, and those images are unique to Christmas alone, then by George, use the word!!!

The other problem I have with this time of year is the music. I don't mind a Christmas song, but good grief do we HAVE to play it 24 hours a day? The ABSOLUTE dumbest idea Solidgospel Radio had was turning that mess on all the time!! By the time Christmas does actually get here we're all so sick of the stinking music we're glad its over!! At least I am. The problem is that just about the time I can actually warm up to hearing one they play the stupid thing so much I'm sick of it. And, what business does a "Solid Gospel" supposedly Christian, radio station have playing secular Christmas songs? You don't think there are any? What about "Rockin' around the Christmas tree"? You know, that catchy, rocky song they played in "Home Alone" when Kevin was trying to fool the would be crooks? It was cute there, its out of place on Christian Radio.

Not to mention the fact that I'm only gonna get a hundred dollar bonus, and the tires on my truck have to be replaced. This all adds up to a sucky Christmas for my family. Yea, I used that word. I couldn't think of a nearly acceptable word bad enough to describe how I feel.

Well, the weather outside pretty much duplicates my mood, dreary, rainy and dark. So, I think I'll go have some Egg Nog and call it a night.

Oh, and Merry Christmas to you and yours, May Christ be the center of your Holidays, not just this one.

Oh, I'm making some progress on the KJ2000 Bible reading. Its looking good so far. If only I can get the how to on making Sword modules!

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