Thursday, November 30, 2006


Gotcha. Well, that title is me. Its not that I don't like Christmas, I like it. Its that I can't stand the misuse of it by vendors who want to benefit from "Christmas Gift" shoppers but will not use the name 'Christmas'! If you are going to use the images to prompt people to buy from your store, and those images are unique to Christmas alone, then by George, use the word!!!

The other problem I have with this time of year is the music. I don't mind a Christmas song, but good grief do we HAVE to play it 24 hours a day? The ABSOLUTE dumbest idea Solidgospel Radio had was turning that mess on all the time!! By the time Christmas does actually get here we're all so sick of the stinking music we're glad its over!! At least I am. The problem is that just about the time I can actually warm up to hearing one they play the stupid thing so much I'm sick of it. And, what business does a "Solid Gospel" supposedly Christian, radio station have playing secular Christmas songs? You don't think there are any? What about "Rockin' around the Christmas tree"? You know, that catchy, rocky song they played in "Home Alone" when Kevin was trying to fool the would be crooks? It was cute there, its out of place on Christian Radio.

Not to mention the fact that I'm only gonna get a hundred dollar bonus, and the tires on my truck have to be replaced. This all adds up to a sucky Christmas for my family. Yea, I used that word. I couldn't think of a nearly acceptable word bad enough to describe how I feel.

Well, the weather outside pretty much duplicates my mood, dreary, rainy and dark. So, I think I'll go have some Egg Nog and call it a night.

Oh, and Merry Christmas to you and yours, May Christ be the center of your Holidays, not just this one.

Oh, I'm making some progress on the KJ2000 Bible reading. Its looking good so far. If only I can get the how to on making Sword modules!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Wednesday Evening Lesson

Tonight we're back in Habakkuk. chapter 2

We found 5 woes for sinful man, or The 5 Woes of Judgment.
1. Woe to the Oppressive. (4 - 8)
This addresses those who have no decency in the way they treat those who are under their authority. Its about those who while in office, or while in a position of advantage, treat others with an emboldened harshness and cruelty. This can be applied to just about any situation, like those in governmental offices and those religions which are violent when in power, but "peaceful" when in the minority. Take Islam, or Muslims for example. In this country, and in some other places, they claim to be "tolerant" and "peaceful", however in every country without exception, where they are in power they persecute and kill Christians. This is peaceful and tolerant? I don't think so. Catholics (Roman that is) aren't any better. When the world was theirs they killed and persecuted more Christians than anybody, and refused to allow their own people to read the Bible. Yet now, when the world isn't at their call, they "love" and "respect" everyone. Right. Some groups of Baptists haven't done themselves any favors, along with some other groups of "Christians". Too many groups flaunt and carelessly use and abuse the position of influence once the get it, and the backlash is horrible. Sorry, but anyone who in a position of influence or power, who is unkind, abusive and cruel toward those who cannot safely retaliate, appeal or otherwise find relief, is who this passage is addressed to! Those who misuse power should know that it becomes what the passage describes as "Thick Clay" around your boots. In Van Leer, TN they have red clay. I know because we owned about 124 Acres of it. This stuff was horrible if you didn't farm it right. If you tried to walk through a real muddy field of this stuff you'd better be ready to carry a few pounds. I've had it get so thick it pulled my boots off! Every time you carelessly step on another weaker (be it in authority, number or physical strength) person, you pile it on, and as the passage says, it'll come back to bite you!

2. Woe to the Greedy (9 - 11)
This addresses those who could care less about anyone else in the world, or their needs, only their own survival and advancement. The key to this passage is the idea that one would sacrifice anyone to make sure they survive whatever "evil" or bad time, may come around. They want only for themselves, and care only for themselves, and would not so much as sacrifice a penny to see that someone else was better, or taken care of. They only care to make sure their life is good, and their retirement fund is fat. Its not bad to have a retirement fund, I have one, its bad to feed it at the expense of helping someone who is your neighbor. Heaping things unto yourself in an effort to make sure no calamity comes your way is one thing, what's even worse is doing so at the direct expense of others! This is what drove the Native Americans off their land, greed. White men wanted land that had gold, Indians were in the way, so we moved them. We couldn't do a just thing, and live in peace, no, we had to send them on the trail of tears to statisfy our lusts. May God have mercy. God has a plan, I believe that. God had a plan to use the Chaldeans to judge Israel, He also had a plan to judge the Chaldeans.

3. Woe to the Unjust (12 - 14)
This addresses those who build their business, city, country, whatever, through injustice, and cruelty. Like in many ways the US in which I live. Yes, I confess, this country has abused a few races for its own advancement. Native Americans, and African Americans to name two most obvious. I don't know of a treaty made with a Native American tribe this country ever followed through on. History has shown, and it has proven true, that no country, or race, can subjugate or enslave another for very long before they get fed up with it and do something about it. No one who robs someone else's house to furnish their own is going to live there for very long! I call this the "Microsoft passage". They built their business with some very unjust practices, and I believe they have long since seen their best times pass. Of course, this goes for any Church or religious group as well. Any Church, Baptist or otherwise, which doesn't receive those whom God has cleansed, is due judgment! I've known of, and have known personally those who would not witness to Black men about Jesus. What a sin. What an injustice, to withhold the truth of salvation from a lost soul. To allow them to die without Christ and spend eternity in Hell because you don't like their culture, or their color is injustice of the worst kind! Not only that, but to then persecute, and abuse them for those same reasons is the target of this passage.

4. Woe to the Drunks and Pushers (15 - 17)
This addresses both those who push drugs and Alcohol on to someone else so they can take advantage of them, and those who take them. Why? Because if you stay away from those things, your life will not have the problems brought on by them! Forget for a moment the physical problems brought on by drinking and doing drugs, (I still live with a few), the mental issues alone are worth avoiding it! Mental issues like making very bad decisions, and signing on to very bad deals, or giving away very important or valuable things. Not to mention the stupid things you do that the pusher is going to use against you at some future time. However, What God is really after are those who purposefully try to get their neighbor drunk so that he can take advantage of him in some way, like clean out his house, rape, or take embarrassing pictures for money.

5. Woe to the Idolaters (18 - 20)
This addresses anyone who tries to "Put God in a box". At first glance you'd have to agree with God here, its not very smart to create something, and then subject your self to the thing, and claim what you know is dead ('cause you made it) is actually alive. However, the truth is this is the kind of "god" most people really want. They want a god they can "create" in their own image. They don't want the real God, because He will not be subject to what YOU think, or want. They want a god they can live with, so they create one that will bend to their whims of what is right and wrong! Its much easier to create a god than it is to worship the real one. The Real, True, Living God will not be bound by what you think. Your thoughts, as are mine, are so much lower than His. God despises this as much as any, because this directly attacks His Lordship over your life. This directly attacks His glory. You see anything you create is going to be less than you. If that's so, and as Romans 3:23 says we've all fallen short of the glory of God, then what we create is going to be EVEN LOWER! No, its high time we quite trying to make God, and God's Word conform to our wants and whims, and started allowing God's Word, and God to transform us to His Will!

In all these things God says He will be glorified, and He will judge. So, Habakkuk, God says, "You can relax, I'm going to honor my Name, and I'm going to do what it takes to make sure everyone on the earth knows that I am God!" When Jesus died on the Cross He demonstrated His hatred of Sin, His love for sinners, His mercy, and His judgment. God showed in Christ just how wicked sin is. But, there is a way, a way through Christ the risen Lord, to forgiveness and mercy! Go to Him before your sins find you out!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Day

Wow, its just about over. I don't get NFL network, so I've missed every Pro game played today. Oh, well. I did get to spend a good day with my whole family together. Its the first time my side of the family has been together for longer than I can remember! I think there was one Thanksgiving about 4 or 5 years ago. . . but I'd rather forget that one. Lets just say I'm glad God taught me grace, and leave it at that.

Anyway, I hope your Thanksgiving was good, plenty-o-Turkey, and trimmings! We all went around the table and shared something we're thankful for. I was thankful for my job. Yep. Both of 'em. I appreciate the Church, and I'm glad I no longer work for DCI at St. Thomas. Of course I hear that they've lost two since I left, which aught to tell them something, but it wont, and they wont care. You know what? I don't either. :-D. I thank God He saw fit to guide me out of that position and into a better one with less stress.

Wednesday Evening we looked over Colossians 3, and the verse in particular that tells us to let the peace of God rule in our hearts, and be thankful. Thankfulness is an attitude, an action, and an affirmation. An attitude in that, generally speaking a person is thankful. Now, it would be stupid for me to try and look God in the eye and say "God, Thank you for the flat tire on my truck." However, it would be wise of me to look around and say, "God, Thank you for providing so graciously for the tires, and for giving me a job were I can earn the money, and for the physical ability to change the tire, oh, and for not making all four go flat at the same time." You see a person with the attitude of gratitude isn't going to be any more happy about the bad things that happen than anyone else. He is going to see all the things that could be worse about the bad things that happen, and be thankful God is there to help him through.
Thankfulness is an Action. Its more than just saying, "Thank You." Its doing something in return, and out of appreciation to the things done for you. We say thanks by giving a card, saying thank you, cooking a meal, giving a gift, doing a job, or chore. We say thanks by what we do, more than we'll ever say things by what we say. Have you ever seen a kid get the toy he was so longing for, who DIDN'T brag about it? Thankfulness shows itself by the way we act.
Thankfulness is an Affirmation, or a Determination. A determination not to let life get you down. Sometimes we just have to dig in, and say Thank You, even when we have so much to look around and get depressed about. There is so much bad news on TV, that it can really begin to work you over. It can get so bad that even in the face of good things, you see a bad thing. Thankfulness says, "I'm going to live, and live abundantly, live above the strife and depressing news, live on a higher plane." Are you thankful?

Well, Happy Thanksgiving! and may God bless you and yours throughout this Holiday Season!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Bible Reading

I've been a bad boy, and its beginning to affect everyone around me . . . . Well, its true. Did you know that the reason sin is so grievous, and heinous, is not the affects it has on you, but the affects it has on those around you? Think about it. Why is murder so wrong? It hurts those who had no choice in the matter, right? Well, it could be argued that they had some choice, but lets not get technical. Its also a manifestation of robbery. You are attempting to take by force that which does not belong to you, the right to decide who lives and who dies. God only has that right. He has delegated to the Government the ability to execute His wishes in putting a man to death who has committed Murder, and only them. Not any individual. There's a difference.

I know, at this point many of you are wondering 2 things. 1. You can't believe I would support and advocate Capital Punishment, and you have all kinds of Quasi Biblical, worldly reasons for being against it. good for you. 2. What does this have to do with Bible Reading? Simple. Its the furthest extent of sin I could think of at the moment. Yes, not reading your Bible is sin, and leads to sin. Why? Because the Bible says that God's word acts as a cleansing agent, (washing of the water by the word, go look it up here). Without it you can't watch, if your not watching, you're falling. Its that simple. someone once said, and please leave a comment if you know who, "Sin will keep you from the Bible, or the Bible will keep you from Sin."

My problem is that for some time know, almost without noticing, I haven't been reading my Bible. I think its affects are beginning to show. I, like everyone else, get busy, get sick, get tired, get _______ (fill in the blank). I know in a day when ministers are getting accused of rape, incest, and all kinds of immoral godlessness how can not reading your Bible rank? Well, quite simply, the reason all these ministers are falling into the things they are falling into is the same reason things haven't been completely right in my life. They have left their Bibles on the nightstand and went off to live life on their own. They, like me, foolishly thought they were strong enough, or "spiritual" enough, or whatever to handle it. Or, like me, they may have become discouraged because of so many past mistakes that they had lost their fire. Why do I put myself in the same category as them? Because in God's eyes, sin is sin, whether its a little anger, in my case, or rape or murder, it harms other people, and it robs God of what is rightfully His, your obedience. My point is before we go to slamming our fists at others, and pointing hateful fingers we need to look at the three fingers pointing back in our direction. I would like to say emphatically, because a guy is accused of something wrong, we shouldn't be quick to assume he's done something wrong. Women and Girls have long been known to be plants, either of their own accord, or some greedy man, to get money out of Church and Minister. They know, what I know, that an accusation is all it takes, and gullible, ignorant, or hateful people will take up the cause with more zeal than they ever had proclaiming Jesus' Gospel Message!! And, I'll say this too, If you can't open your mouth about Jesus then no matter how right any thing else is, keep it shut. If you can't open it about Jesus' death on the cross to pay for the sins of mankind, and pave the way to forgiveness and mercy, then keep it shut.

I get fed up with people who have all kinds of zeal to tell me about the offense of some preacher, but can't even quote a single Bible passage relating to the Gospel message! If you're not a Christian, then this wouldn't apply to you, it only applies to those who know Christ, as they are the only ones who were commissioned to carry the Gospel in the First place.

So, what am I doing? Well, a good fella, Dr. Robert Couric, whom I had as a Professor in College at Mid-Continent, has published an update of the KJV, called KJ2000. Its not a "Revision" as best I can see, it just updates some words and archaic phrases to something more modern, while preserving the flow. I have read the New King James once, New American Standard once, and some of the New Ignoramus er. . uh. International Version, and the KJV at least 6 times. I have yet to find a Bible Version that I could stand upon as THE Word of God for English speaking people. So, I'm hoping this one does the job. I have started reading three chapters a day, (starting today), and will read the Bible through in the KJ2000, and see for myself whether it be so or not. I'll report here what I find, and if I believe God is verifying its worthiness I'll back it with all my heart, if not, I'll delete its text from my hard drive, and never bother it again. I only use one version, God isn't the author of confusion.
So, stay tuned. May God work a work in your heart to keep you from sin.

Here's Dr. Couric's Website.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Bad Laptop no donut

I'm really beginning to renew my serious lack of appreciation for Toshiba. This thing has had power and over heat problems since I got it, I've sent it back to them twice, and now that its out of warranty guess what's returned? yep. My ATI video card is apparently the guilty party, because the problem only seems to happen when I'm doing video intensive stuff. Like playing a 3d game, or watch some video someone sent. I thought it was the battery at one time, so I started taking measures to really baby it. You know like not leaving it plugged in, running on battery until it was just about to die, stuff like that. Then I thought it was the processor, so I throttled it down 12%, and I even turned off Hyperthreading. no joy.
The reason I think its the video card is because if you look under my model (A75-213s) you'll find the video proc fan is really close to the edge on the right side (looking from the top) which is RIGHT were your fingers go when you pick it up. Toshiba guys must NEVER pick up their laptop from the side like I do. So, what has happened is the flimsy screen that protects the fan has bent inward and sometimes I wonder if its bent in just enough to slow the fan down. However, you may be thinking, Oh, he runs Linux, its a Linux problem. WRONG. The sudden power downs happen in Windows as well. I've seen quit a few questions on the Toshiba Linux list about sudden power downs, and some guys have figured out how to stop them. However, this crappy thing I had the ignorance to buy, has an odd ball BIOS, not the Toshiba BIOS, which means I can't seem to get any of the Toshiba fan control utilities to work.
So, I'm stuck with a $1600 piece of semi functional junk. My recommendation? Buy anything but a Toshiba. We had problems with them WAY back when I was working at GENESCO, Inc. They had such weird issues, that you couldn't run some software on them, or they'd go belly up. I thought they had gotten all that straightened out, but no, they hadn't. Anyway, buy a Dell, Lenovo, Gateway, heck I'd settle for an emachine or the Averatec, which still doesn't look like all that bad a deal for me. Some say it has cheap sound, etc. However, I wouldn't have spent as much money, cause I got crappy sound, a CD/DVD 8x burner that wont burn on 8x media, etc. etc. already.

OH, I found the Averatec AV7170-EC1 for around $999.00 on (not that I can buy one, thanks to truck tires). It has the AMD Turion X2, NVidia Graphics card, 17" screen. You may want to check it out before you spend the dough.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Wednesday Evening Lesson

Tonight's Message at Missionary Ridge Baptist Church was a continuation of our New Testament Lessons in Old Testament Prophets series.

I'm in Habakkuk. (its in there, keep looking).
From verse 12 of chapter 1 to verse 1 of chapter 2 (1:12 - 2:1) you have Habakkuk's second question. I call it the Prophet's Worry.
Its about a man who knows certain things, or believes certain things, about God. He also knows certain things about what God is doing, however he has a hard time reconciling the two things together. God is Everlasting, so Israel will not be completely destroyed, and God is in Full control, and has appointed the Chaldeans as instruments of Judgment and Chastisement for Israel. (This is the part Habakkuk can't figure out By the Way.) God is also Holy, so much so in fact, that He can't bless wicked people. That's what Habakkuk means by "look upon iniquity". According to Habakkuk God is too holy to answer a lost man's prayer. The only problem with that picture is that God has, in the Bible, answered lost men's prayers. Remember the King of Assyria that was healed of Leprosy? What about Cornelius in Acts, who while still lost, got a visit from an Angel that said God was impressed! No, God does hear, however, the truth is that He is not obligated to respond. There is no promise that God will hear the prayers of those who are not His, but there is precedence that shows He could. Not only that, but, God appears to be blessing the Chaldeans, and encouraging their sinful pride and false idol worship!
So, what's in this for us?
1. IN all your ways acknowledge Him. When you're faced with facts that appear contradictory, first fall back on what God's Word says is true about God, and Acknowledge that. There are times when you cannot see either the Hand or the Face of God, however He's still there. Habakkuk acknowledges God's plan in verse 12 by saying that he knows the facts, God has ordained them. Habakkuk may not understand how God could do that, but this doesn't stop Habakkuk from knowing its by God's hand! Too many think that if they can't understand it, then they can't believe it. Well, I've got news for ya' God's thoughts are higher than your thoughts, and God's ways higher than your ways, you'll NEVER, no NEVER, understand it all! That's a part of what it means to walk by faith, sometimes you don't get it, and don't see it, but that doesn't stop you from knowing its true anyway.
2. IN all your troubles go to Him. If you listen to Habakkuk you'll see that he takes his thoughts and concerns to God without reservation, but he does so humbly. Habakkuk acknowledges God, then confesses his own ignorance in the situation. However, either way don't bottle it up. If you are God's child He WANTS you to come to Him, even if you are a little upset. God can correct a wrong attitude, if its brought before Him, and confessed. God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the Humble.
3. IN all your ramblings learn to wait and watch. Habakkuk says in essence, "I'll climb up on my tower, and keep an eye out in case God answers me, and I'll work out how I will answer when God rebukes me." By so doing he demonstrates a very New Testament command by Jesus, "Watch and Pray". He confesses that he's wrong, which is much better than most people in our day. Too many people come before God thinking they are owed something, or they have a right to have their questions answered. You have no rights before God, only privileges, use them wisely or lose them fast.

This isn't all we went over but the jist of it anyway.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Careless Caretakers

Ok, here it is. The post I alluded to earlier today.
For some reason I've really begun to notice a reckless attitude toward children from their moms or caretakers. Today, while at McD's I was sitting in a center area where a water tank in the shape of a tube with a floating Nemo in it, and some bar type chairs around it. This little girl, who I had seen come in with a lady and another girl a little younger, immediately left mom and started climbing over the chairs. Now, this is a very busy place, lots of men, women, and others running around. Mom doesn't even notice for at least 5 minutes that this girl isn't with her. By the time I see mom even wondering where the girl is she had already darted for the play area. Why is this a problem? Well mom began looking for her, and I told her where the girl had gone. Mom thanks me and rushes to get back in line!! WHAT THE HECK?!? She was more worried about her spot in line than she was her daughter! Once she heard the girl was in the play area she acted as though professional child keepers were there! I could have stuffed the kid in a bag, told mom the kid was in the play area and left and MOM WOULD HAVE NEVER KNOWN!!! I was finished eating and had left and NEVER saw mom go get the girt!
A day before, at about 15 minutes before 6 am, I'm getting gas at a local station right near the Interstate. Very busy, even for that time. A Mom, again, I'm assuming here, has three boys in the car. Without locking, or securing the car in any way, proceeds into the gas station as I start pumping gas into my pickup. She doesn't come out until I'm done! I have a 21 Gallon Tank! More than enough time for some one to snatch at least one or two out of the car and be gone!
Note, these are just two examples, I've seen so many in the area where I work its unreal! These Rich or well to do women are more worried about their looks, place in line, coffee, or whatever, than they are the behavior of their Children! Like I said above, I'm a Baptist, I believe in Discipline. My children make me practice that belief very regularly. I guess hopping that I'll lose the faith. Note, I believe in the rod as well, but that isn't the ONLY form of discipline. (that's a topic for another BLOG entry). My point is my children know, and are reminded regularly, how to behave in a place like that. I'm not saying they don't dart off when they're not supposed to, or that they don't cause a stink, I'm just saying that more often than not they'll think twice. Not only that, but I or my wife are paying enough attention to notice BEFORE they get out of sight. My point is that I think Mom and Dad need to care more about little johnny's behavior, and running off than their place in line. I also think you shouldn't run off into a very busy truck stop / gas station with your children in an unlocked car that is unattended!! The reason kids aren't any better behaved than they are in our day isn't because they are any worse than any other kid, its that they are not cared for properly. Proverbs 29:15 tells us, "The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame." And so I say, shame on any mother who would not even bother KEEPING the children close enough to know they are starting to run off!
The problem is we forget that, again according to God's Word, foolishness is bound in the heart of a child. Because we forget that, we get frustrated, angry, and / or overly trusting in the child. We either think the child is a little angel who could do no wrong, or we get overly upset because it seems they can do no right. What we need to understand is that they, like ourselves, are sinners who are bent toward sin. Our rod of correction will help them get over it, I hope, just like God's Discipline works our disobedience out of us. We need to remember, they do good on occasion, and they'll do bad on occasion. We just have to pay attention so that we notice and either correct the bad, or reward the good. I dare say those moms who aren't paying any more attention than the one's noted above don't do either, and so encourage, (even if unintentionally) the bad.
That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it! Sorry about the Rant, I just care more about kids than to see one hurt because of careless caretakers.

First Blog Post

Well, Here it is. I've decided to put this up because so much happens you want to communicate about, but never have a central place to put it. So, here it is.

There are some things most folks need to know.
1. I'm a Baptist Minister. I was saved in Mainz, Germany in Sept. of 1986 in an Independent Baptist Church called Calvary, while I was in the Army. Since then, I have been ordained as a Southern Baptist Minister, and currently pastor Missionary Ridge Baptist Church in BonAqua, TN.
2. I'm a Sr. System Engineer. I have been professionally employed since 1993, and I've used everything from DOS 3 to Linux 2.6. I have experience in Windows (3.1 - 2003 Server), OS/2 3 - 4, NetWare (3.1x - 6.5 OES), eDirectory, GroupWise (4.1c - 6.5), AIX (5L), Tivoli Storage Manager (ADSM 3 to TSM 5.3), RedHat, Debian, and Kubuntu (most recent).
3. I'm a Veteran! I served in the US Army for 3 years as a Chinook Mechanic, Stationed in Mainz-Finton (205th Avn) for most of my time. I did Basic at Ft. Dix, NJ, and AIT at Ft. Eustis (Charlie Company) (Even Uncle Sam Thinks It Sucks). I called it Fort Useless. Needless to say I think people who don't appreciate the freedom we have in this country should take a long walk off a short pier!

What this means is that When I post about Religion or life, it'll come from a Baptist perspective. If you don't like that, TOUGH! I am who I am, and by the grace of God I'll get over it one day in glory. I'm NOT going to argue with anyone about what I believe. I'll state my opinions as such, but when I believe its not my opinion I'll state it that way as well. Either way, if you don't like it, go somewhere else. I say that because there are too many good places for you to go and enjoy yourself rather than get frustrated trying to "correct" me.
I believe the Bible IS the Word of God, for English speaking folks I believe that is found in the King James Version (1769 ed.). However, as you'll find out I'm looking at an updated version that has great promise! Because I believe that, I also believe it is without error, and is the final authority on all matters of faith and practice. God said it, that settles it, and I believe it.
I believe Salvation is by Grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone! Jesus Christ's work on the cross was all I needed to find forgiveness and full salvation. Repentance and Belief are required as "fruits of faith" however, neither the prayer, nor any other action in and of itself has saving grace, neither does Baptism, Communion, nor any other Religious Rite or Ceremony.

Now, on to Technology, (don't want to reveal too much all at once :-).
I'm a Linux fan. I run it on my Home PCs as the primary OS. I've been running it that way since a little after Y2K, I think I finally converted everything over in about 2002. Yes Linux IS ready for the Desktop. I've used SUSE, Debian, Mandrake (now Mandriva), and currently run Kubuntu Edgy.
I believe in Freedom, and that's why I run it. I also enjoy the extremely reduced chance of getting a virus, or malware app on my PCs. That, along with the reliability and cost of Linux, make it a no brainer in my book.
I use for my daily Office Suite needs, BibleTime 1.6 for my Bible Study application, along with some WebSites (I'll hopefully get around to posting all the links when I get this BLogging thing figured out).
I'm not a die-hard, its gotta be completely open source, kinda guy. If I could get the proprietary ATI Driver to work on my Laptop, I'd probably use it. However, because Toshiba's STINK really badly, I use the ati driver. OH, did I mention that I think Toshiba's laptops are HORRIBLE? Ok, I thought I had.
Last of all, I don't like Windows. Yes, I'm an MCSE (NT 4), however its not up to date, and wasn't really my thing to start with.
Well, that's enough for now. I've definitely got more to say. Especially after seeing the moms who are so careless with their children! ARGGGHH!

Well, I'll write more later.