Saturday, April 17, 2021

In Christ I stand, apart I fall

Many people live miserable Christian lives simply because they do not stand in Christ.  Jesus said, "Abide in me." and "apart from me ye can do nothing".  I found both to be true.  I was reading Tony Evan's book, "Kingdom Men" (I think it's called), and in it he describes the fact that we were meant to be great.  I remember attending a Bill Gothard seminar a long time back, and he talked about being a diamond.  How that every time we walked contrary to God and grieved the Spirit some part of that diamond got chipped off.  It was just a way to describe how we hinder God's work in us, and how we become less than we should be because of sin.
I wanted my kids to be great.  I didn't want to raise drones.  I want them to be CEOs not "nobody knows".  I know a good many people who have worked in factories, and assembly lines.  I have grown to love them all.  My son became a Power Sports technician, I guess it's in the genes to be a mechanic/carpenter/builder.  Many of them do so because God has called them to do something else and like me, they need to earn a living.  They are being great at something that pays nothing, and earning a living the best way they can.  But, you and I both know people who create the "Drone Worker" persona.  They have little to no initiative, are not self starters, and if they are not specifically told to do it, and don't think they have to, they won't.
The difference between CEO's and the stereotypical Drone worker is this:  CEOs look for opportunities, the others wait for instructions.  CEOs knock and look for open doors, the others have to be told where they are.  CEOs make life happen, the others wait for it to happen to them.
How does this relate to Scripture?  Jesus wanted His people to all be CEOs.  If you read the instructions in the Sermon on the mount you will find hidden gems for leadership, and life.  For example, The instructions to "go the extra mile".  What does it mean?  Don't do just the required minimum.  In other words, just because the Bible doesn't explicitly say that you have to, doesn't give you an excuse not to.

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