Saturday, April 17, 2021

Still Running Kubuntu

Yep, still running it after all these years (20.10 now).  Well, I went over to Fedora for a while, ran straight up Debian for a bit, then back to Fedora, and now back to Kubuntu.  Mainly it depends on which one will run on my laptop.  I Think I've run just about every version they've put out since those early days.
I'm running Brave for a browser, BlueMail and Thunderbird as email clients, because that crappy kmail and associated apps are just too freaking buggy.  I had more trouble just trying to read email, or keep email with that thing than it was worth.
I use KeepassXC for my password DB, and I really like it.  Of course I still use BibleTime and BlueLetterBible for Bible Study along with the books I have online and in print.

I have switched a lot of things off Google, such as email.  Moving that to (which also means I moved my cloud disk storage to there).  I'll probably save off everything from this blogspot location, and move it somewhere else as well.

I've been studying up on Python to do some things at work, and its OK.  I find it deficient in at least one major area, no "switch - case" or "case" (as it's known in Korn shell) ability.  you have to pretty much write it all from scratch yourself.  I'm sure someone has written a module to do this somewhere, but I haven't found it.

I wrote an Errlog manager script for AIX that will check the 2nd line for the date field, and if it's older than 10 minutes (as I have it setup now) it'll build an email to the sys admin group of the last 10 entries, and then on a particular day of the month it'll clear off any entries older than 40 days.

Another one was a Zabbix LLD (Low Level Discovery) script which reports Logical Volume info (such as VG and LV names) which the default discovery rule is deficient in.  Not sure why they don't have that included by default.   This can be important if you name vgs and lvs differently based on their purpose, etc. and want to filter out specific names or just include specific names.  Of course I had to return that info in JSON format..   It's working rather well.

Well, 'nuff of that.  The next post will be about why I left the Southern Baptist Convention once and for all . . . . 

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