Sunday, June 15, 2008

MC Clubs and Things

I'm a member of quite a few forums these days. I frequent Bandit Alley, RiderForums, and browse around some on ADVRider, but not much. I was informed that the defunct Suzuki Owners Club of the USA was pretty much dumped in favor of Suzuki Owners Club of North America (Link Here). I remember early on finding the European version which seems to have thousands of members, and thought it would be cool if there is one in the US. The Site I originally found was defunct, and not one of the contact email addresses I found were valid at all.

I'm still contemplating the value of 18 dollars a year as a full membership fee. I keep thinking that it would be helpful to be a member of a large organization since riders aren't that much in the majority.

I'm not really into the AMA because they want to repeal helmet laws, but I don't believe it should be an option. I think we should be on a par with autos, and since Seat belts are not even wise, helmets should be our equivalent. I know many riders disagree, saying it should be our choice, but that's the same argument that folks used for seat belt laws, and it didn't help stop that law. I've been in car wrecks and I'm firmly convinced that Seat belts were the difference between me being a relatively healthy man, and being handicapped at best, dead at worse! Not only that but the whole "choice" argument is getting over worked. It is the lame godless argument used for Abortion, Drug use, etc. etc. I believe people in this country need to learn responsibility first, just like children. I constantly teach two things to my kids:
  1. A little bit of pay attention goes a long way.
  2. If you don't do what you are supposed to, you can't do what you want to.
Its that simple folks. When it comes to helmet laws, if the riders who give Motorcycles a bad name would show more reponsibility in how they ride (do what you are supposed to) then we would never have had to worry about a helmet law in the first place (do what you want to). So, to protect society from having to pay for the upkeep of another vegatable head injury, the government decided to make us protect our heads.

The other kind of group I thought of joining was a Christian Motorcycle club. The problem is I can't find one close to home that has a statement of faith I can live with. There is one, but they are pretty much (as it appears anyway) trying to create a church of their own. The CMA (Christian Motorcyclists Association) looks like a great group, but they don't have a chapter that's anywhere close to Dickson, TN.

So, I'm stuck. Another problem is that finding very many riders, with the time and commitment to do that kind of thing is hard to do. I joined up with Patriot Guard Riders, but haven't been free for a ride yet, and there have been opportunities. The problem is that life just seems to find a way to get in the way. Well, I can do what I can.

What I'd really like to see is for the gas prices to come down to the point that I could ride my bike recreationally. As it stands right now, its my mine ride to work. 45 MPG is 11 MPG better than TWICE what I average in my truck. And, even buying premium I spend less than 30 dollars a week on Gas, versus the 80+ I spent on the truck.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

New Fun in Riding and Cardo Rider Teamset

Well, I've decided to just ride the bike until the wheels fell off. Since I've been unsuccessful in my attempt to keep the thing looking brand new (thanks to fall overs) I might as well just forget about the looks and just ride it. Well, I've discovered there's freedom in them there hills. Last night I rode the kids to and from Church just for the fun of it, and they LOVED it. The back roads between our house and the Church are quite twisty, so it was fun. Of course I rode a little different just to put a little sizzle into it, but it was fun.

Sometime back I bought a set of Bluetooth Helmet devices for my phone that included an intercom feature. That's one of the reasons the kids love riding now, even more than before. The Bluetooth phone connection works great, but the intercom could use some help. I can understand dropping the connection when no one is talking to save batteries, but this stupid thing will drop the connection WITH us talking at times. Occasionallyit will come right back on, but sometimes either myself and/or the passenger will have to yell to get the connection opened back up. The good thing is that they are voice activated and I don't have to reach up and push a button every time that happens. Other than that I think for what you pay for them (around 200+ bucks depending on where you buy it, got mine from Revzilla).

Back on subject, the ride in this morning was invigorating, and enjoyable. The weather was nice, although I would have liked it a little cooler. It's supposed to rain tonight around 7 PM, which means it may be raining in Dickson around 5, which is when I get in. So, I've been threatening to try out my riding pants without any jeans under them, that may be a good excuse to do just that.

I have to say, I'm really liking this motorcycle riding. I guess you can tell that from the posts. Another interesting thing I've discovered is that you better have decent self discipline if you ride. There are a lot of idiots both on four and on two wheels jerking in and out of traffic. I can understand why bikers ride the way they do, now. On that bike you can fit, physically, into smaller spaces, you can accelerate much faster than the cars around you, and you can maneuver with greater agility than they can. By the time they decide to do something you've already done it, and gone off and left them! However, its also possible to reach great speeds without even realizing it. I was upwards of 100 MPH, a couple of times in the past very quickly. My bike isn't even a "Crotch Rocket". So, if you get a bike, remember, just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD. Be careful, and try not to irritate the cagers any more than necessary. And for those in cars (cagers), remember, there are vehicles on the road of all types that are larger and smaller than yours. Look for the small ones, which would include bicycles, and the large ones, semis, and be careful.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

God is Good

I have been a little down lately, since I resigned the Church. So, God has graciously worked out some things to show me just how bad things can get if I don't get my head and heart back in the right place. My bike has fallen over twice, once in each direction, so as to break both levers (clutch and brake) and both front turn signals and scratch the really pretty hard case side color matching inserts. (lots-0-money to fix). The slide rails in the refrigerator for the bottom two pans broke on the left side, and busted the top of the two pans. (80 bucks). The wife's brakes had to be done AGAIN, (75 bucks). Yesterday the Gas Water Heater decided to go on vacation.
Why do I think that is God? Well, I believe that no one is punished from God without knowing that's why the bad things are happening. If you look back over the Old Testament you'll find that God worked real hard to make sure the Israelites as a nation knew full well why they were being destroyed, God also worked hard to make sure individuals whom He disciplined knew why he was doing so. Well, I've known for quite some time exactly what I should be doing, I am a preacher, but I haven't done it. God says, "you want a reason to mope, I'll give you reasons to mope, and they'll get more expensive the longer this goes on." So, that's exactly what He's been doing.
So, why did I start this by saying God is good?!? Because He is. If God didn't love me, He wouldn't chastise me to get me right again. (Hebrews 12). God is good because He could have just wiped me off the earth a long time ago, but in His patience, Amazing Grace, and infinite Love, He works with me, forgives my sin, and enables me to make things right. Any employer you know of would have fired me a long time ago, as well as they would have you. Your relatives would have long ceased to speak with you, if you treated them like you treat God! But, He's so Good, Gracious, Merciful, Patient, Just, and Compassionate that He would start small, and work His way up!
What ever you do, don't take God for Granted. Don't treat Him like a spare tire, bottled Genie, or worse, slave. God loves you, but He will not tolerate sin. He will deal with it, first in Grace, but if Grace be turned away, then in Judgment. Avoid that, would you?
Remember, God is Good!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Google's garbage had to go

Well, I finally upgraded to Firefox 3. I have been holding out waiting for Google to get off its duff and update the Firefox extensions. If you remember I ranted about this in an earlier post. Well, I finally said forget it. I found out one of my biggest problems with Firefox on Linux was Google's fault!! The toolbar was the problem all along. The problem? I could not open more than 2 Firefox windows without the whole app freezing up on me. I would have to completely shutdown, and restart Firefox to get anywhere else. So, I've rid myself of Google's extensions altogether.
I replaced my Book mark sync with Foxmark, and all my other extensions, except my Favorite theme, work fine with FF3. So, good riddance Google. And yes, if they want to shut me out of mail and blogging I'll go somewhere else with that too. I think its completely bogus that they can come out with a hundred and one new apps every year, and can't be bothered to keep the apps they've won people over to up to date!
On a positive note, I'm finding FF3 to be very fast compared to FF2, and not *that* much different on the appearance and features list. Meaning, if you think you're going to get lost in the new interface don't worry, this isn't MickeySoft and Office2007.

Oh, I haven't blogged in a while because I've done quite well at embarrassing myself with how I handle my bike. I have let it fall over twice now. The first time I'm still not sure it was anything I did, I think there were other factors involved. The second time was just my stupidity, I think. The problem there was by the time I tried to catch the bike (not too far over) my leg said "forget this" and just gave out on me. It has happened twice now, but the first time I wasn't really tilted enough to cause it to fall all the way over. This morning it hurt my leg. I'm not sure the bike got that far off, or whether it was too far I just couldn't believe how my leg reacted. You have to understand my legs have always been my strong point when it came to that sort of thing. I guess being 41, they just aren't going to take it anymore.