Monday, November 23, 2009

Google - Chrome - Chromium OS or whatever its gonna be called

Well, Google has decided to get into the OS market.  I like Google well enough, I use their products, email, blogger, contacts, even Android now.  I don't use all their products, mainly because they're not nearly as "Open Source Friendly" as this OS might make them appear.  Granted most of what they're doing may be due to market, and their desire to penitrate and get visibility.

Anyway.  I have read the reviews, seen the screen shots, and I think I have a pretty good understanding of what their doing, I just don't think it's worth it.  What, you say?

First, it's a Cloud Centric OS.  Everything is on the net.  Huh?  So, we're assuming we'll always have net connectivity?  stupid.  Why?  Because you'll never always have net connectivity.  I've owned a Nokia N810 for a long time, and it was billed as a "Internet Device" supposedly easy to get "on the net".  yea.  As long as I was at home.  As soon as I went on the road, no net.  In Airports, no net.  At work, again, no net.  Now, understand Android is the phone OS, and I like it.  Android has the apps, and the always on net.  Why?  Cell phone with 3g unlimited net access.  So, as long as I'm in a 3g or "1x" EVDO network range I have network access.  However, Chromium, Chrome, Google OS is for Netbooks and MIDs (Mobile Internet Devices).  So, why the different OS?

Second, I don't like having all my eggs in any one basket.  I like having my data in multiple locations, and especially on my local storage.  Even in Android my Contacts are stored locally, and on Google's servers.  I also use non-Google apps on my phone, and some data I don't want on anyone's servers other than my own.

Third, not all Google apps are the best.  Google Docs are ok in a pinch, but I just can't see using them all the time.  Basic docs, yea, but for anything that's advanced at all I'm using  Even it may not be "The best" but it's better that Google Docs.  As a matter of fact there are several Real Linux apps that are better at that, KOffice, etc.

As you can tell I just can't see where Google's OS is going to be that advantageous.  The one spot may be netbooks that include 3G Network connections with screens that are just a little more than Android is really designed to cover.  Any other computing device already has a better positioned OS to run on it, and even the netbooks have Linux distributions designed for them.

Well, I guess that's enough ranting.   And, yea, I'm in the "anti-Windoze" crowd.  My thing is if you're going to create an OS to compete with Windoze create one and quite dabbling.

See Ya'

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