Friday, December 22, 2006

Tired of Fighting

Well, no, I haven't forgotten about the BLOG. I did postpone working with it for a while though.

Today's topic: Tired of Fighting in Linuxland.
Linux is really beginning to suck wind. Sorry, but that's the best I can say about it. Why?
Easy, There is NO way to stay decently up to date.
There is NO way to just do an install of an application.
There is NO decent hardware support.
Should I go on?
Now, some of you are going to try and argue that distro X has this part or that part, the problem is NOT A SINGLE STINKING one of them have it right! Debian is technically at the top, but they have WAY too many cry babies, and jerks. On one hand you can't use their "trademarked" name, but yet they whine and moan about Firefox wanting to trademark its name. Stupid, absolutely STUPID! They don't mind putting anything into their distro, or working with anyone as long as you're not MORE popular than they are, or as long as you don't try to control what they can do. Its OK, however, for them to control you with their ignoramoose manifesto.
SUSE is also one of the best technical distros, however, once you install it, that's it. NO updates. I'm not talking about security or bug fixes, but new versions are out. Now, it may have changed with OpenSUSE since 10, but I doubt it. The problem is that you can't even download the source and just compile it. Thanks to their oddball way of locating the libraries, and refusal to populate the file, you have to manually run configure with a hundred switches. And, now with Novell selling out and hooking up with Micro$oft, I wouldn't run SUSE at all.
Ubuntu being a Debian derivative is right there with its older brother. However, once they release version X they're as bad as SUSE about new versions of software. There is still no package, or set of packages, for 2.1, and other software even for Edgy! And from what I can tell there aren't any plans to make any. Granted I could jump through a thousand hoops with alien and convert the rpms, but that's another bone to pick.
Anyway, they're all beginning to show their age, and I'm getting tired of fighting my computer just to get basic stuff to run.
Since upgrading to Edgy, I can no longer simply run VNC, as a matter of fact, can't run VNC At all. Why? who knows? no one is telling.

Another reason I'm beginning to get tired of Linux, is the stupid, yes stupid, refusal to dump "package" management. I think that is the absolute dumbest part of Linux. Why can't I just run setup, or install and install an application regardless of what distribution I'm running? Because, we're to technical to be smart enough to make that possible.

I think package management has its place, but for general use, a simple installer for applications would make life easier.

There are many other reasons, but I'm getting pressured to do other things, so I'll leave you with those thoughts. And, YES, I'm upset at problems on my Linux machines.


Gaylord Cohen said...

I have a Linux netbook (that I just upgraded to Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10)...and I feel that it's already time for a change...BACK TO WINDOWS...where things are EASIER to do (despite all its "disadvantges") install new software, for example. I've read your blog, and I agree with you! There's too much "drama" in the Linux world, and Windows netbooks are OUTSELLING their Linux-based counterparts by a longshot! Why was I STUPID enough to get a LINUX netbook to begin with? The next netbook I get, will be a WINDOWS netbook...BOTTOM LINE! ;-)

Howard said...

Wow, you went way back there. Since then, a lot of things have improved, and no, Windoze is NOT selling more netbooks, depending on whose numbers you use. Besides, regardless of what problems may exist in Linux Land, they are FAR and away better than dealing with Micro$oft. Not only that but I'm playing with Fedora, which isn't bad, but it has some oddball issues as they all do. fortunately, it still remains true, they're not nearly as expensive, or aggravating as having to run Windoze.

My new motto is "Friends don't let Friends drive Windows".

Gaylord Cohen said...

OKAY! You win! I've talked with my wife...and I've had a "change of heart"...I've decided to KEEP my Ubuntu netbook, which by the way, is a Dell Mini 9, purchased just last year, and I'm posting this message from it, as we speak. I like this new version of Ubuntu better than the version it replaced (v. 8.04 LTS, which originally shipped with my netbook). I also tried other Linux flavors on this same device, such as Xubuntu and Puppy Linux, and come to think of it...Linux is STILL a great OS, after all, if only Micro$oft would understand us Linux users, and give Linux at least ONE more chance to "prove itself worthy" of a place in the cyberworld, and on the desktops and laptops of all the world's computer users. Oh, by the way, I can't WAIT for Google to release Chrome OS...IMHO, THAT should be my NEXT netbook, and NOT Windoze 7, after all!