My: Personal Christian Technology Life and General Rambling Blog
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Drum Set pics
My Daughter has a FisherPrice Kid's digital camera, so this thing is grainy I know, but it'll give ya' an idea of the drum set. My son is sitting at it. He's taken some lessons at the Renaissance Center in Dickson, so he's not doing bad for a beginner. He has to concentrate, like his dad, too much right now, but he's picking it up. I hope that this helps him grow in his confidence.
Here's another one. Can you tell I'm proud of my youngin's? :-D
Baptist Minitor who Believes the Bible IS God's Word, as found in the KJV for English speaking folks
Father of 2, and a Sr. System Admin primarily responsible for AIX, PowerVM, RHV on Power, Monitoring (Nagios and learning Zabbix), as well as RHV on Intel and Linux
I use Linux as my primary OS at home, as does my wife and kids.
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